Hey Lightworker!

Are you struggling to connect to your soul purpose and align with your path?

Do you have untapped intuitive gifts but are blocked by self-doubt?

Do you feel stuck by unhelpful patterns and beliefs?

How’s your awakening process going? I find the awakening process equal parts magic and madness. You can see the beauty and feel the inspiration of what is possible, but you are stuck in a space where nothing seems to fit anymore and you don’t know how to move from this life you’ve outgrown into the one of your dreams. 

If you are struggling with self-doubt, a lack of clarity and are feeling stuck, you are in the right place!

It is time to unlock the wisdom of your soul to claim your purpose and power, embrace and trust your own unique gifts, and get clear about the source of your pain so you can take empowered steps to be the powerful lightworker you are meant to be.


I’m Amber, Soul Alignment Coach, Healer & Teacher

I am passionate about helping lightworkers like you discover your soul purpose and passion, awaken your special gifts, and finally say goodbye to all the things that keep you stuck so you can fully step into your power and achieve your wildest dreams.


I use a unique blend of intuitive coaching along with guidance and healing from your Akashic Records, Angels and soul to help you take powerful steps forward on your soul path and take quantum leaps in your personal healing and vision for your life.


Check out this FREE guide, “What Kind of Lightworker Are You? - Discover Your Unique Purpose and Gifts to Fully Embrace the Power of Your Light”

This beautiful guide is designed to help you use your own lightworker gifts in a way that is in alignment with your life purpose.

Are you ready to fully embrace your gifts?

Ignite Your Light Course

Discover your unique purpose and gifts to fully embrace the power of your light

This Ignite Your Light training is designed to help you understand your soul’s purpose, passions and unique gifts. It is also designed to help you understand where you are in alignment with your purpose and where you are out of alignment. The truth is if we are out of alignment with our purpose, it can feel more like a curse than a gift!

This training if for you if you feel call of your soul!


Amber Maier is a fantastic coach! My sessions with her gave me an opportunity to examine negative beliefs and emotions that were ruling my daily life and taking up too much space in my head. Amber is a top-notch listener. She is attentive and intuits just the right thing to say to bring clarity where it is lacking. Her process is fluid and is so incredibly unique. We worked from the inside out, using guide visualization to help bring awareness and focus on what needed healing most. After my 6 sessions, I feel more positive about myself and confident in my abilities. Amber is the perfect blend of teacher and sage!

— Amy Zins


I signed up for Amber’s Soul Activation package and I am so grateful that I did because we tackled what I wanted and needed, and more. Before hiring Amber, I had just become aware that humans have energy bodies and that mine was seriously in need of attention. My energy body was sick because I didn’t know how to take care of it. Amber provided me with tools and techniques to take care of my energy body, and I am so grateful. In addition, I also knew that there were some things that I needed to learn about myself in order to make my business a success. When we dove into this area, Amber immediately identified behavior of mine that I was not aware of and that I have the power to shift. In just two months of working with Amber, I have had several “ah-ha” moments, as well as, many synchronicities during our sessions together. Amber deeply cares about serving her clients and giving them results. She has gentle energy about her. She has a thoughtful-approachable way of bringing up potentially difficult information. Amber is magical - she can see your chakras and aura, hear your soul, and much much more - so if you are ready to a quantum leap forward, I highly recommend working with Amber.

— Elise Suronen

I met and started working with Amber last year while I was developing and launching a heart-led business. Having Amber as my coach was a wonderful experience. Amber is a caring and empathetic coach that helped me gain valuable awareness about myself and my capabilities, which motivated me to move forward in a more spiritually-grounded and confident way. Her ability to connect to the Akashic records was an incredibly useful and effective tool in our coaching sessions. During those sessions, she helped me make important connections about my gifts and how they could be integrated into my new business, while at the same time helping me feel more connected to Source and my life purpose. The net result is that I am now building my business with more ease, grace, and confidence. I highly recommend Amber to anyone looking for personal or business-related soul-based coaching.

— Lorraine P., Los Angeles, CA


Work with me if you want to:

  • Connect to the love and guidance of your Angels, Akashic Records, and spirit team

  • Unlock your soul purpose, explore blocks to your path and create strategies to move towards your dreams

  • Explore and develop your unique soul gifts to become an intuitive badass

  • Uncover the root of your blocks and release your patterns and pain

  • Free yourself of heavy energy that is dragging you down and learn how to keep your energy body healthy

  • Release false beliefs that are keeping you small and stuck and cultivate empowering beliefs

  • Turn your perfectionism, fear of losing control and other self-defeating behaviors into an empowering plan to take action on your dreams


Thanks so much for a wonderful session today…it was deep, and to use what might be an overly used description …I think it was even transformational. I guess time will tell! I love this space of co-creation we enter when we work together. I can’t describe it any other way, but it’s a wonderful, meaningful time to flow with you and my guides and my higher Self. I feel safe wherever we go and I’m so grateful for what are revealing. Working with you is like pure alchemy! I look forward to our next session!

— Sheila Gonzaga

One of the things I came to Amber with help was that I wanted to know what karmic work I needed to do in this lifetime. Through a past life regression session, Amber helped me to realize what the work was that I had to do, encouraged me to continue doing the work I’m doing now and gave me advice surrounding it. It was such a sense of relief to know I was on the right path! I also had issues speaking up for myself and feeling judged when I did speak up for myself. Amber did some energy healing with the Archangels and gave me some tips and encouragement going forward. I was able to then use my newfound courage to speak up for myself in several relationships, one being my relationship with my mother, and those relationships grew stronger! Amber gave me tips and advice on how to weave spirituality into my daily life as well. Being a single mom of 6 kids, I need all the help I can get! She gently held me accountable and kept me on track and my spiritual practice grew because of it. During energy work, Amber was able to see that while I had a lot of compassion for others, I had very little compassion for myself. Amber and the Archangels helped to heal me of that and encouraged me to have more compassion for myself. I’m so happy that Spirit led me to Amber! She is such a joy to work with. She’s compassionate and non-judgmental, never preaches - just lovingly encourages you like a best friend would. My family said that they can tell after I’ve had a session with Amber because I’m much happier and more at peace.

— Melanie Raphael


Let’s stay in touch

Do you like free healing meditations and mini trainings on topics like the Akashic Records, soul purpose, angels and energy healing? Would you like to receive channeled messages from the Akashic Records and Angels? Do you want to be notified of events I will be attending and be first to be notified of when I am enrolling students into my Akashic Records & Angels Certification Program?   Make sure you sign up here!