Amber Maier

Soul Alignment Coach, Healer, Teacher 


I am passionate about helping you discover your soul purpose and passion, awaken your special gifts, and finally say goodbye to all the things that keep you stuck so you can achieve your wildest dreams!


Hello there! 

Let me guess… you are here because you feel a pull from your soul to fulfill a deeper purpose that feels like an itch you just can’t scratch. The truth is you wouldn’t be here if you weren’t a lightworker with a much deeper purpose and big gifts to activate in this life, and I am here to help you.

My story

I believe magic happens when you live in full alignment with your soul purpose, embrace your gifts, and let go of the fear and blocks that hold you back from fully reaching your potential! I am a healer and soul coach who is passionate about helping lightworkers like you to discover your soul purpose and passion, awaken your special gifts, and finally say goodbye to all the things that keep you stuck so you can fully step into your power and achieve your wildest dreams.

I’ve been where you are.  My soul was awakening. I was being called to be the lightworker and healer that I was always meant to be.  …and I had no clue to how to get there. I felt miserable, like my soul was being sucked dry. I wasn’t confident in my gifts and my self-doubt was killing me. I had a big dream, but no plan for how I was ever going to get there. I felt stuck and it was frustrating.

I took every healing class and I read every spiritual book I came across.  I studied and I practiced.  My progress was… slow. It all changed for me when I realized that I didn’t need to do this on my own.  I invested in myself and worked with mentors that helped me get over my biggest hurdle- ME. I finally dropped the self-doubt and have deep trust and confidence in my gifts. I have experienced quantum leaps in my personal healing with my connection to the Akashic Records, Angels and other guides. Now I am deeply connected to my soul purpose and feel the magic flow of the universe that only happens when you are in alignment.

I understand your struggle to connect to your gifts. Tapping into my gifts wasn’t easy for me.  I did not just wake up this way one day. I dedicated myself to activate and embrace my gifts and developed techniques to help me move past my blocks along the way. I can help you connect to your gifts too.

I was once an awakening lightworker too, feeling alone on my path, in need of guidance. I knew it was my path to carve, but I needed support to get there. I am forever grateful to my mentors that supported me to claim my power and my purpose. That is why I do what I do. You don’t need to do this alone. I am here to support you on your awakening journey.

Other things to know about me

I am a channel of the Akashic Records, Angels, souls, star beings and other spiritual guides to get you the guidance and healing you need.

I identify as a healer and I bring that to all my work. My readings are healings.  My coaching is healing. For example, if you want to know about a career opportunity, don’t expect me to tell you when or if you will get it. I will talk to you about what might be blocking you from receiving the opportunity, what healing might be needed, or in what ways this opportunity is aligned (or not) with your soul purpose.

I operate under a few important principles.  I believe in freewill and will never tell you what to do. You are the expert of your life and it is only you who has the power to change your life.  We are all ultimately accountable for ourselves.

I also believe that you are your biggest block. Don’t worry, I am not just picking on you, I am my own biggest block too! If you are not ready to accept that, my work probably is not for you. I work with those who are ready to face the limitations they have created for themselves so they can break free and walk an empowered path. 

Fun facts about me

Reiki was my gateway drug into spirituality and all things healing.  I am like a kid in a candy shop when it comes to healing modalities.  I want to learn them ALL!

I grew up as an atheist.  Drastic change to where I am now, huh? I love conversations with others about their spiritual journey- where they have been, where they are now, the direction they are headed.

I am a retired roller girl, as in roller derby.  I am often asked how many tattoos I have and I actually don’t know the answer.

I love mountains, hiking, animals, sky gazing, spending time with my soulmate husband and 2 boys, and reading (fiction and non-fiction).  I collect books, crystals and oracle cards. I am also a fan of a great old-fashioned.

Training and Certifications:


Certified Atmana Intuitive Life Coach (and Instructor)

Angel Alchemy Academy

Usui Reiki Master

Karuna Reiki Level 1 and 2

Thetahealing Certified Practitioner in Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, and Dig Deeper

How to Read the Akashic Records

Psychic Development with Echo Bodine

Intuitive Hands on Healing

Advanced Healing with Echo Bodine

MetAlign level 1 and 2

Pranic Healing Level 1 and 2